Past Shows & Performances...
July 2018 - This is Me! - Pepper Street bi-annual showcase at The Rep, Stoke. A fantastic display of the multitude of Pepper talent!!!
July 2018 - Dougie Mac Moonlight Walk - Adult Choir sing to encourage the charity walkers on the party mile.
March 2017 - Newcastle Music, Speech & Drama Festival
December 2016 - Christmas Show - Festive performances from all PSPA class groups
July 2017 - London West End! - Pepper Street makes its debut in the West End at Her Majesty's Theatre, performing numbers from School of Rock, pop number 'Ain't Nobody (Loves Me Better)' and the fantastic signed 'Right to be Loved'. An amazing experience and fab day out!!!
July 2017 - The Artscool Project - Musical Theatre and Glee students blast the audience with their rendition of School of Rock.
July 2017 - The Spirit of Madeley Festival 2017 - All Madeley class students showcase material from their classes.
July 2017 - Dougie Mac Moonlight Walk - Adult Choir sing to encourage the charity walkers on the party mile.
June 2017 - Audley WI Anniversary Party - Adult Choir entertain the WI at their birthday celebrations.
March 2017 - Newcastle Music, Speech & Drama Festival - Choir, Musical Theatre, Vocal, Drama and Speaking Verse & Prose entries. 1st Place for Adult Choir and Musical Theatre Group/Solo performances, several 2nd place performances and numerous Distinction & Merit graded performances.
February 2017 - The Last Choir Standing - Fundraising event for St Luke's Hospice. Adult Choir took 3rd place.
December 2016 - Christmas Show - Festive performances from all PSPA class groups
December 2016 - Madeley Panto - Adult & Junior Choir entertain Panto audience as they arrive and leave
December 2016 - Donna Louise Christmas at Trentham Gardens. Adult Choir and their annual support for this charity
August 2016 - Betley Show. Adult Choir entertain diners at this annual event.
July 2016 - The Artscool Project - Musical Theatre and Glee students recreating their 'Could It Be Magic' performance, where we actually made one of the kids disappear!!!
July 2016 - 'Evolution' - Pepper Street's first large scale production at The Rep Stoke, performances from all PSPA class groups and individuals
May 2016 - The Last Choir Standing. Fundraising event for St Luke's Hospice. Adult Choir perform.
March 2016 - Newcastle Music, Speech & Drama Festival. Choir, Musical Theatre,Vocal and Speaking Verse & Prose entries. 1st Place for Musical Theatre and Speaking Verse Solo performances, several 2nd place performances and numerous Distinction & Merit graded performances.
December 2015 - Christmas Show - Festive performances from all PSPA class groups,
December 2015 - Madeley Christmas Party - Adult & Junior Choir entertain at the Party
November 2015 - The Artscool Project - Musical Theatre and Glee students perform 'The Beautiful Game' specially adapted to feature our very own Stoke City! The Junior Choir performed Cecilia.
August 2015 - Betley Show. Adult Choir entertain at this annual event.
July 2015 - The Artscool Project - Musical Theatre and Glee students perform their version of Gene Kelly's 'Singin' in the Rain'.
July 2015 - 'Pepper Fever' - Pepper Street Showcase, performances from all PSPA class groups and individuals.
November 2014 - The Big Sing - The Victoria Hall. Adult & Junior Choir perform.